Managing Director, Generandi, Spain

Forestry Engineer by the Polytechnic University of Madrid, MBA by the ESADE Business School, Master in Viticulture and Enology (ISSC) and researcher at the Department of Forestry of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA.


Expert in Agri and Timber Asset Management and product trade operations, with +20 years of experience in Europe, South America, Asia and Africa.


He is Founder & Managing Director at Generandi, a company that is involved in the agri & forestry value chain, from agriculture asset management to product trading in Europe.


He is also Founder and Managing Director of the rural asset class portal fincalista.com


Since 1998 he has been active in the associative matters, where he has been Vice President of the European Confederation of Wood Industries, Board Member of the Spanish Confederation of Woodworking Industries, President of the project of wood promotion "Living with Wood", member of PEFC-Spain and Vice President of the Madrid Foresters Association. He is also a member of several Agriculture associations at national and regional levels.

He has shared his professional activity with a position as Silviculture and Reforestation Professor at the Madrid Polytechnic University where he currently holds a position as Ad Honorem Professor.